Litigation Support

Litigation costs can be measured in time, money and frustration. We help minimize these costs and contribute to successful litigation outcomes with timely, accurate and effective analysis and expert witness services.

On the investigations front, from the uncovering of a single critical fact to the establishment of a complex fact pattern, our integrated team of researchers, investigators, former prosecutors, forensic accountants, and computer forensic experts discover and develop vital information to help your organization or client strengthen its case and make key strategic decisions. Our capabilities extend across the globe.

We utilize the optimal investigative techniques, forensic tools and intelligence gathering programs necessary to drive superior results and value. In all instances, we are highly sensitive to confidentiality, evidentiary rules and the substantive processes necessary to reach a favorable disposition, settlement or verdict.

In the courtroom, our tools can help counsel present a case that is more persuasive, concise and integrated. We are skilled in employing databases such as Summation and I2, which allow counsel to weave together compelling documents, testimony and audio/visual evidence into a winning narrative.

a stack of blue filing cabinets filled with folders and papers

Background Investigations + Due Diligence

A business is only as productive, ethical, and capable as its employees. Failing to identify problematic issues or a potential employee’s integrity could lead to a company’s financial and reputational ruin.

Our research and investigations provide clients with valuable insight into the individuals who will be directly responsible for the fate of their businesses. We have assisted numerous private companies, financial institutions and Fortune 500 companies with making informed and confident hiring decisions worldwide.

Our Approach

Through investigative research and analysis, our team works closely with clients to develop a customized and cost-effective approach designed to help you make smart, safe hiring decisions for your organization’s peace of mind.

Our multi-disciplinary approach involves three phases of research and investigation customized to gather the type of information deemed most relevant to your business needs.

Comprehensive research of public and proprietary sources is conducted discreetly with an investigative focus on verification of relevant information and credentials relating to potential hires.

Our due diligence team of researchers, attorneys and former federal and state prosecutors and investigators collect and analyze information, cross-reference their findings, and provide an objective, 360-degree view of any proposed candidate.

Tier One: Public Records Research:

This level of screening is typically conducted as a cursory first step in the due diligence. The primary purpose is to ensure potential employees are who they claim to be and are free from criminal records or significant credit problems. This includes a thorough examination and verification of:

  • Personal identifiers
  • Address history
  • Credit history
  • Criminal proceedings
  • Civil litigation

Tier Two: Comprehensive Research, Analysis and Verifications:

This level of due diligence investigation is a thorough database and public record investigations and includes an examination and verification of the Tier One data along with:

  • Bankruptcy proceedings
  • Lien and judgment filings
  • Corporate affiliations
  • Professional licensing
  • Real property transactions
  • Uniform Commercial Code filings
  • Media and internet references
  • Social media
  • Education and employment history
  • Federal and state regulatory/disciplinary actions
  • Sex Offender Registry

Tier Three: Research and Field Investigations:

Based on our findings or other concerns raised by the client, where necessary, we will dig deeper and collect additional intelligence as well as relevant reputational information mined from industry sources and business contacts and through targeted, discreet interviews to provide insight into an individual’s character and financial fitness. Tier Three is the most comprehensive due diligence inquiry and will include data collection identified in Tiers One and Two, as well as data gathered from sources within the following groups:

  • Law enforcement
  • Regulators
  • Vendors
  • Industry insiders
  • Litigation adversaries
  • Former employees
  • Former business partners

Expert Testimony + Vetting

In certain matters, having subject matter experts experienced in testimony can benefit your clients. Guidepost Solutions can assist in identification and vetting of appropriate experts. With access to a large and skilled network, we can identify testimonial experts based on the topic as well as identify relevant and similar matters where the experts have provided testimony. We also provide thorough vetting and due diligence work. This can identify publications, previous testimony and other personal and professional information key to the expert’s professional reputation. This information allows you to make the best decision when identifying the right expert for a specific matter.

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Forensic Accounting + Digital Forensics

In today’s increasingly sophisticated and regulated business world, a business’ approach to preparing and disclosing its financials can be just as telling as the numbers themselves. The pressures of an economic downturn, a misguided drive to live up to market expectations or just plain greed can lead to fraud, expropriation or other financial malfeasance that may not be readily apparent to those outside an organization. These financial threats can devastate a business or potential venture if left undiscovered or unchecked.

We ferret out fraud, financial manipulation or misrepresentation, accounting irregularities, or any other financial misconduct, whether in support of investment due diligence, litigation, internal investigation, asset recovery, mandated monitorship, or in other contexts. Working in tandem, our investigators and forensic accountants help you identify, understand and address both simple and complex financial malfeasance. We will follow the money so you can make the accurate, informed decisions that lead to results.

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Big Data Investigations

Guidepost Solutions can successfully assemble, standardize and integrate massive amounts of transaction level data from different sources to identify patterns and linkages potentially indicative of suspect activities that would be hidden or difficult to detect with traditional methods.

We offer the following effective tools in matters involving Big Data:

Guidepost Insights

This data-as-a-service platform that enables vast amounts of data to be gathered, indexed, displayed and correlated. Its ability to collect and aggregate vast amounts of data significantly impacts the speed, efficiency and cost-effective manner in which investigations can be carried out. Guidepost Insight connects data across multiple sources, automatically creates relationships and visualizes findings in real time. It does this by capturing every bit of data or text relating to a topic or case, supplemented by data available from external data sources. Results can be output in any way you like to quickly highlight relationships, patterns, trends and anomalies.

Siron® Anti-Financial Crime Products

The building-block design allows variable combination of the products to fulfill custom requirements for governance, risk and compliance in the best possible way. The products consistently follow the risk-based approach and support all phases of the compliance process with integrated solution modules: from specific risk analysis and continual risk classification to monitoring of transactions and behavioral patterns, and central case management with risk and compliance dashboards. Siron® products are highly standardized and parametrizable. They can be combined at will to create custom solutions. Numerous best-practice scenarios from a large number of customer installations have made their way into these standard research products. They guarantee fast roll-out of professional solutions based on the latest compliance knowledge. The technology is robust, interoperable, platform-independent and highly scalable. This facilitates integration of Siron® products into existing system environments and provides seamless interaction with third-party applications and databases. The field of application extends from the lean departmental to a cross-organizational and multinational group solution.

Siron® anti-financial crime products consist of flexible software modules for:

  • Anti-money laundering
  • Counter-terrorism financing
  • Know your customer
  • Tax compliance & reporting (e.g. FATCA, CRS)
  • Risk assessment & risk controlling
  • Business partner due diligence

Giant Oak Search Technology (GOST)

Guidepost Solutions offers Giant Oak Search Technology (GOST), a fast, reliable negative media search tool.  As an analyst or investigator working for a financial institution, you need to perform negative media searches on a tremendous amount of customers. By leveraging domain specific indexes of the internet, GOST uses a sophisticated risk-scoring method that targets the right kind of information on countless customers, so you can focus on where to begin. It then provides a dossier on each individual with everything you need to know, such as web page images, and keywords already highlighted to help you identify who you want to work with and who you don’t. Should any negative information surface later, GOST provides an audit trail that can be used to defend the decisions you made. With GOST, you can efficiently focus your searches in a matter of minutes.

International Arbitration

Success in international arbitration requires specialized experience dealing with issues specific to a particular country or dispute resolution forum, as well as the expertise to gather evidence and information to support one’s position. Guidepost Solutions is expert in providing investigative and intelligence consulting services crucial to obtaining the facts needed to achieve success in international dispute resolution. Our staff of experienced professionals and global network of well-placed contacts and investigators have backgrounds in international law enforcement, forensic accounting, fraud examination, law, digital forensics, electronic discovery, compliance and a variety of other areas of business and industry.

From uncovering a single critical piece of evidence to establishing a complex fact pattern, our integrated team of researchers, investigators, former prosecutors, forensic accountants and computer forensic experts discover and develop vital information to help your organization or client strengthen its case and make key strategic decisions. Our capabilities extend across the globe and we utilize the optimal investigative techniques, forensic tools and intelligence gathering programs necessary to drive superior results and value. In all instances, we are highly sensitive to confidentiality, evidentiary rules and the substantive processes necessary to reach a favorable disposition, settlement or verdict.

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Media + Events

unfocused picture of people walking through a professional event
November 27, 2024

Federal Bar Council Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon

Federal Bar Council Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon

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a blurry picture of a convention with a blue floor
September 23, 2024

NY Lawyers for the Public Interest Golf Outing

NY Lawyers for the Public Interest Golf Outing

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a coffee cup sits on a saucer in front of a group of people
June 12, 2024

2024 AILA National Conference on Immigration Law

2024 AILA National Conference on Immigration Law

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an open magazine
March 8, 2023

Bloomberg Law

DOJ Restocks Congress Liaison Team as Republicans Circle

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