Regulator Responsive Monitorships

We offer a strong background in integrity and compliance monitoring as well as with national security matters. Many on our team have served in senior positions within the U.S. Intelligence Community including the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Central Intelligence Agency, and the FBI.  Some have served with the Department of Commerce which adds to our capabilities.

As a result of our experience, we have earned a reputation as a highly competent service provider with unimpeachable integrity among our clients, the regulators, the courts and other stakeholders. Our professionals are recognized in their respective industries and areas of specialization for their detailed knowledge of and proficiency in state and federal regulatory programs, including Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) mitigation measures. Through regular contact with government agencies, our team maintains an intimate and up-to-the-minute familiarity with the implementation of relevant data security and privacy requirements and regulations.

Many of our professionals have worked as compliance monitors around the world, and in multiple settings. In these roles, we evaluate compliance with government orders and settlement agreements, provide recommendations for remediation of any deficiencies; and report findings to both the business and the government. We use our expertise and skills in deep research and due diligence, forensic accounting, and digital evidence, along with our computer specialists to accomplish our efforts.

We have the national security expertise and compliance monitorship experience to:

  • Evaluate compliance with CFIUS mitigation agreements
  • Work with businesses to develop remediation plans for any deficiencies
  • Report findings to the government

Contact Us


We are extremely familiar with the CFIUS Monitoring Agencies’ (“CMAs”) concerns related to the national security risk posed by non-U.S. persons’ access to sensitive information. Our team is fully equipped to evaluate compliance with CFIUS mitigation measures, such as:

Access to restricted technology

Guidelines for handling and protecting U.S. government customer and other sensitive information, and the systems containing such information

Requirements for U.S. nationals to perform key functions

Requirements for certain key functions to only be performed in the United States

Obtaining approval from security officers or U.S. government parties for visits by foreign nationals to U.S. businesses

Adoption of security measures to ensure the integrity of goods sold to U.S. customers

Notification to U.S. customers of the change of ownership to allow them to implement their own security measures, if necessary

Assuring continuous supply or requiring consultation with U.S. customers before making certain decisions or exiting a business line

Case Studies

SBC hotline
Oakland County AAR
MAGELLAN Monitorship