Courtney H. Fletcher is a nationally recognized technology expert with significant experience including database collections and analysis, eDiscovery, implementing and maintaining cybersecurity programs, software analysis, and performing independent regulatory and compliance assessments. He is responsible for the development and implementation of case and matter strategies that leverage technology to assist corporate and legal clients in matters involving complex technology issues and investigations.
Mr. Fletcher has advised clients in complex litigation and large-scale investigative matters. He has assisted clients in federal, state, and international matters involving securities litigation, breach of contract disputes, intellectual property matters, accounting malpractice, and other corporate investigations. His services cover the data preservation and acquisition through analysis, production, and supporting testimony. Specifically, he has assisted clients with addressing “meet and confer” obligations, providing technical and compliance support to government appointed monitors, intellectual property theft investigation, and advising multinational clients on cross-border discovery conflicts.
Mr. Fletcher has navigated the unique issues facing public and private clients. Most notably, he is currently assisting a government appointed monitor with a technology review to confirm compliance with a final judgement where parties agreed to prompt divestiture of certain assets, data, and information; assisted a government contractor with an internal investigation by analyzing big data and leveraging behavioral analytics to identify patterns and irregularities to isolate potential fraud within the organization; a joint defense team representing former directors and officers (D&O’s) of a global financial derivatives broker against the bankruptcy trustee who was seeking to shut down and liquidate systems that contain potentially relevant information to the D&O’s defense related to the bankruptcy; the Chief Litigation Counsel for a large multi-national company to perform an eDiscovery Health Check; and, a pharmaceutical company with developing an operational integration playbook that incorporates repeatable processes and workflows to use during a merger, acquisition, or divesture.