Economic Damages + Business Valuation

The Guidepost Economic Damages + Valuation team provides comprehensive and understandable solutions to complex financial issues encountered during the course of litigated and non-litigated economic damage and business valuation matters. Our team includes certified public accountants, forensic accountants, business valuation and finance specialists, business intelligence experts, and forensic computer experts. Once a matter is evaluated, we call on those with the skills that are the most appropriate for the specific engagement.

Led by Alan Schachter, the team provides game changing intelligence to support our findings included in our damage analyses and business valuation reports. Our highly sophisticated damage models, expert and valuation reports, and expert testimony greatly enhance the chances of a successful result for you, especially in instances where the opposing party takes great pains to minimize or hide assets, or understate or overstate financial statements, tax returns, and other filings.

We work very closely with your attorneys; assisting them in determining whether the projected damages were foreseeable, and proximately caused by the defendant. Typically, in a litigated matter we will perform the following and coordinate with counsel throughout the entire matter:

  • Assist counsel during the discovery stage; Identify documents required to develop a damage model
  • Develop a comprehensive damage model
  • Analyze company, industry, and general economic data to estimate the appropriate rate of risk to achieve the claimed damage stream
  • Prepare a well-documented expert or rebuttal report supporting the measure of damages
  • Testify at deposition and assist counsel with opposing expert’s deposition
  • Testify at trial and assist counsel during the opposing expert’s trial testimony
  • Assist counsel with post trial proceedings if necessary
Wall Street in New York City

Our team is experienced in both civil and criminal litigation support.

We have achieved success in cases involving:

  • Contested and non-contested business valuation matters
  • Business interruption claims
  • Insurance defense
  • Lost profits analysis
  • Lifestyle and hidden asset analyses
  • Tax fraud
  • Breach of contract and other commercial disputes
  • Criminal and civil fraud cases
  • Wrongful death and personal injury
  • Intellectual property valuation and infringement analyses
  • Matrimonial disputes
  • Estate and gift tax litigation
  • Construction claims
  • Wrongful termination
  • Minority shareholders disputes
  • Franchisor and franchisee disputes
  • Breach of fiduciary duty proceedings
  • Economic litigation related to government programs
  • Eminent domain and condemnation damages
  • Business valuations — non-contested, what is my business worth and contested, during litigation proceedings
  • Health Care industry – litigation + valuation

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June 23, 2022

The Looming Bear Market is Likely to Bring More Prosecutions

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