Privacy Policies


Welcome to the Guidepost Solutions LLC (“Guidepost Solutions”) website. Guidepost Solutions provides global investigations, compliance, monitoring and security and technology consulting solutions for clients in a wide range of industries around the world. We have created this website to give you information about who we are and what we do and to invite you to contact us for more information.

This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect about visitors to this website, how that information may be used and what choices an individual has. We regard the privacy of individuals and the confidentiality of our clients’ businesses to be an essential part of our values and success.

Our business is to provide solutions to commercial and governmental entities, not-for-profits and individuals. This website is provided for your business use. We will consider the information we collect from you on this site as generated in your business or professional capacity.

Information that Identifies You

We collect information that identifies you, for example, your email address and any other contact information you provide, when you fill in a contact form or sign up to an email news list from this website. If you have given us information on a form on this website, we may combine that information with information you have given us elsewhere, for example, on a business card, or from other public sources.

Data Collection Technologies

We may use common data collection technologies as you visit our website.

We allow other companies to place cookies on your equipment as you visit this site. Cookies can read and collect data about your browsers during the visit. We use the resulting information on an aggregate basis to understand our audiences and to improve the usefulness of the site. We also allow third parties to collect the IP address you use to access the site and drop a cookie on your browser to provide us with the name and location of the company associated with that IP
address along with information about search terms used and pages viewed during a visit. If you do not wish to allow cookies to be used in these ways, please use the tools in your browser to block them.

We also use or allow certain other companies to use technologies that are similar to cookies (for example, pixels and gifs) when we send you email. We use this information on an aggregate basis to judge the effectiveness of our campaigns and newsletters.

Our logs gather date, time, information about your browser and system or device configuration and an IP address for all visitors to our sites. We may use this information for our internal security purposes including investigations of fraud and misuse of the site, for trend analysis and system administration and to gather general information about our audiences and their geographic locations.

How Guidepost Solutions Uses Information About You

Guidepost Solutions uses information about you gathered through this website for the following purposes:

  • To send/contact you with information, including marketing messages, which you request or which we think may be of interest to you.
  • To improve our website.
  • To understand our audiences and expand our contact lists.
  • For any other purpose that we tell you about specifically when you register or provide data about yourself to us.

When Guidepost Solutions May Disclose Information That Identifies you

Guidepost Solutions may disclose or transfer data that identifies you to other companies or entities only as follows:

  • To our subsidiary in the United Kingdom and to our parent company.
  • To other companies if we believe this is in your best interest and you consent.
  • To vendors that work on our behalf.
  • To law enforcement or other entities that present valid legal process or in our discretion, unless otherwise prohibited by law, to protect human safety, our rights or the rights of others.
  • To defend our legal rights or actions.
  • As part of a sale or merger of our business assets.

No Sale of Personal Information

Except as part of a sale or merger of our business assets, Guidepost Solutions will not sell any personal information collected via this website.

Your Choices

You have a choice about and control over:

  • Receiving marketing messages from us. We may contact you by email, text or SMS messaging. If you fill out a contact form on this site, give us your business card or otherwise provide us your contact information, we will consider such action as an invitation to use these means of contacting you. You may stop any of the means of reaching you by contacting us, at any time, at You may stop email marketing by using the “opt out”, or “unsubscribe” mechanism at the bottom of our email marketing messages or newsletters. Please note that you must opt out of email marketing messages and newsletters separately. We may, of course, continue to contact you about matters that are not considered marketing, particularly if you represent a client or have retained or inquired about retaining our services.
  • If you have provided data about yourself through this website and are a resident of the European Union, Guidepost Solutions will honor your request not to process that personal data about you for marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact
  • Whether cookies can be set or read on your browser. You can learn more about controlling cookies placed on your device as you visit our site by visiting such resources.

More Important Information

Guidepost Solutions is a wholly owned subsidiary of SolutionPoint International, Inc. We provide services to clients around the world and endeavor to observe data protection laws that apply to the performance of those services.

Please know, however, that we are headquartered in the United States and publish this website from servers in the United States. The information we collect through the website, including information that identifies you, will be collected in the United States and may be processed globally.

Please recognize that if you choose to visit this website or provide information to us, you volunteer this information to be treated under the terms of this Policy and consent to the practices described in it.

We protect information about you using physical, technical and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration. While we work to keep information secure, we cannot warrant or guarantee its security particularly in transmission to us.

Our website is directed to adults. It is not directed to children, particularly those under the age of thirteen. We do not accept children as clients or knowingly collect data about them.

From time to time, Guidepost Solutions collects and uses data from within European Union (EU) member countries, and/or the United Kingdom, and/or Switzerland. Please review our Data Privacy Framework Policies for more information.


We reserve the right to change the practices described in this Policy at any time. Please check here periodically.

How to Contact Us

For questions about this Privacy Policy please email us at or contact us at:

  • Guidepost Solutions LLC
  • Attn: Chief Privacy Officer Allison Spagnolo
  • 260 Madison Avenue
  • Third Floor
  • New York, NY 10016

Responsable del Tratamiento

Guidepost Solutions S.A.S., con NIT. 900.761.534-0, teléfono 6017321278 y domicilio principal en la Carrera 11 #86 53 Of. 1303-2 de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. (en adelante, el “Responsable del Tratamiento”).


Al proporcionar sus Datos Personales al Responsable del Tratamiento a través de cualquiera de los canales disponibles, Usted consiente de forma libre, voluntaria e inequívoca para que ésta trate sus datos personales, conforme lo indicado a continuación.

Tratamiento y Finalidad

Los datos personales proporcionados al Responsable del Tratamiento por Usted, esto es, información general y específica de identificación y contacto, datos de profesión u oficio, y datos sensibles (estos son, datos biométricos como su huella personal e imagen) serán recolectados, almacenados, administrados, usados, analizados y circulados para las siguientes finalidades: (i) como elemento de análisis para establecer y mantener una relación contractual o comercial, cualquiera que sea su naturaleza, (ii) como elemento de análisis para hacer estudios de mercado o investigaciones comerciales o estadísticas, (iii) como herramienta para el ofrecimiento de productos o servicios propios o de terceros y realizar el seguimiento de acuerdo con las necesidades particulares del usuario, con el fin de brindar los servicios adecuados para cubrir sus necesidades específicas, (iv) como herramienta para el inicio de cualquier cobro prejudicial o judicial, (v) para que la información sea compartida, circulada y usada por otras entidades para cualquiera de los fines aquí previstos, (vi) para el adelantamiento de cualquier trámite ante una autoridad pública o una persona o entidad privada, respecto del cual la información resulte pertinente, (vii) para que toda la información referida al comportamiento crediticio, financiero, comercial, de servicios y datos de la misma naturaleza proveniente de terceros países sea consultada, suministrada, reportada, procesada o divulgada, (viii) para efectos de vigilancia y monitoreo de seguridad, (ix) para que la información suministrada sea consultada en listas para la prevención del lavado de activos y financiación del terrorismo, (x) para el cumplimiento de cualquier otra obligación legal a cargo del Responsable del Tratamiento, (xi) para mejorar la experiencia del usuario en la página web del Responsable del Tratamiento, (xvii) creación y administración de la cuenta del usuario.

Derechos de los titulares

El titular de los datos personales tiene los siguientes derechos frente al Responsable del Tratamiento:

  1. Conocer, actualizar y rectificar sus datos personales;
  2. Solicitar prueba de la Autorización otorgada;
  3. Ser informado por el Responsable del Tratamiento previa solicitud, respecto del uso que le ha dado a sus datos personales;
  4. Presentar ante la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio quejas por infracciones a lo dispuesto en la Ley 1581 de 2012 y en el Decreto 1377 de 2013, una vez haya agotado el trámite de consulta o reclamo ante el Responsable del Tratamiento;
  5. Revocar la Autorización y/o solicitar la supresión del dato cuando en el Tratamiento no se respeten los principios, derechos y garantías constitucionales y legales; y
  6. Acceder en forma gratuita a sus datos personales que hayan sido objeto de Tratamiento.

El titular no se encuentra obligado a suministrar información personal de menores de edad o datos de carácter sensible.

Mecanismos para conocer la Política de Tratamiento

Para más información, y para consultar nuestra Política de Tratamiento puede solicitarla en el siguiente correo electrónico:

Aviso de Cookies

Este sitio web utiliza cookies para personalizar el contenido de este y tu experiencia en él. Además de las cookies necesarias, usamos cookies de preferencias, estadísticas y de marketig que (i) sirven para personalizar el contenido de la página y tu experiencia en él; (ii) recolectar anónimamente información con fines estadísticos que nos permite analizar comportamientos de los visitantes de nuestra página; y (iii) mostrarte anuncios relevantes y atractivos a tus necesidades o preferencias. Si bien consideramos que la información recolectada a través de las cookies no puede clasificarse como dato personal, Guidepost Solutions S.A.S., con NIT. 900.761.534-0, teléfono 6017321278 y domicilio principal en la Carrera 11 #86 53 Of. 1303-2, de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. (en adelante, el “Responsable del Tratamiento”) a quién podrás contactar en el correo , declara que toda la información obtenida a través de cookies podrá ser almacenada, usada, o circulada para fines estadísticos. Además, tendrás los derechos que establece el artículo 8 de Ley 1581 de 2021 cuando resulte identificable que un dato es tuyo, así como aceptar o denegar la autorización a las cookies conforme a nuestra política disponible aquí.

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