Sarah Pechnick

Senior Director
Sarah Pechnick wearing a black jacket and striped shirt is smiling for a professional headshot

Sarah Osborne Pechnick is an expert in pharmaceutical controlled substance investigations and regulatory compliance. She proudly served with the Drug Enforcement Administration for more than 13 years.

Ms. Pechnick began her career with the DEA as a Diversion Investigator. For a period of ten years while stationed in Wisconsin and Florida, respectively, she led and completed regulatory and investigative work resulting in criminal convictions, civil fines, and administrative consequences. She utilized her analytical skills to identify potential targets and to illustrate trends of pharmaceutical diversion. During her tenure as a Diversion Investigator, Ms. Pechnick maintained outstanding ratings throughout and was the recipient of numerous performance and on-the-spot awards related to her contributions.

After her tenure as a field Investigator, Ms. Pechnick transitioned to an instructor and course developer role at the DEA Academy located in Quantico, VA.  Her main responsibilities included developing and delivering material and coursework related to techniques and skills used in criminal, administrative and civil investigations involving the diversion of controlled substances. She served as class coordinator of Basic and Advanced Tactical Diversion Squad Training and Prosecuting Diversion Cases Courses where she was responsible for implementing instructional itineraries, procuring external and internal instructors, and soliciting feedback for course improvement.

Ms. Pechnick was promoted to DEA headquarters as Staff Coordinator of the Import/Export Section where she was responsible for providing oversight of regulatory matters concerning the import, export and/or retail sale of controlled substances, listed chemicals, and tableting/encapsulation machines in accordance with the Controlled Substances Act and International agreements with the International Narcotics Board. She worked closely with field agents and investigators regarding suspicious import or domestic sales of tableting machines potentially being used for illicit manufacturing.

Immediately prior to joining Guidepost, Ms. Pechnick was serving as Lead Staff Coordinator/CSOS Liaison within the Registration and Program Support Section. She functioned as Diversion Control Division’s subject matter expert on the Controlled Substances Ordering System and as a critical bridge between sections ensuring that CSOS supported regulatory obligations as well as industry  expectations. She managed the creation and delivery of a comprehensive web-based CSOS training program that was specifically designed to provide the investigative field with tactical knowledge and skills for navigating the complex system.

Along with her investigative work, Ms. Pechnick is a notable public speaker on all issues pertaining to controlled substance compliance and diversion and is highly experienced in creating and presenting educational material to various pharmaceutical industry, government, and law enforcement audiences.

  • Controlled Substance Compliance
  • Corporate
  • Investigations + Business Intelligence
  • Risk + Compliance


  • Bachelor of Science, Exercise Physiology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
  • Master of Arts, Criminal Justice, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois

Media + Events

a woman stands at a podium with a microphone in front of her
February 28, 2023

Guidepost Solutions Expands DEA Regulatory Compliance Practice

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unfocused picture of people walking through a professional event
April 22, 2024

NADDI 2024 National Healthcare Facility Rx Diversion Summit

NADDI 2024 National Healthcare Facility Rx Diversion Summit

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SBC hotline
Oakland County AAR
MAGELLAN Monitorship