Joseph R. Rosetti

Co-Founder and Vice Chairman
Joe Rosetti wearing glasses and a blue suit smiling for a headshot

Prior to forming Guidepost Solutions, Joseph R. Rosetti was president of the premier security consulting firm SafirRosetti, one of Guidepost’s predecessors. He was also a co-founder and vice chairman of Kroll Associates, a worldwide security consulting company where he was responsible for corporate security and crisis management services for industry and professional organizations including preventive measures to combat corporate and financial crimes.

From 1971 to 1987 he was director of worldwide security for IBM, responsible for security programs in physical security, investigations, personnel security, trade secret protection, information asset security, financial asset security, and Department of Defense Security. In his capacity as IBM’s security director, Mr. Rosetti was the chief industry representative serving as Vice Chairman of the Secretary of State’s Overseas Security Advisory Council.

Mr. Rosetti was a member of the U.S. National Chamber of Commerce Crime Reduction Panel, Staff Director for the Conference of the National Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, a member of the private Security Task Force to the National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, and Chairman of the American Management Association’s Council on Crimes against Business.

Prior to joining IBM, Mr. Rosetti was the Northeast Director for the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice and a Special Agent, Group Supervisor, and Special Assistant to the Assistant Commissioner for Compliance in the Intelligence Division, U.S. Treasury Department. Prior to joining the U.S. Government, he was chief accountant for Marriott.

Mr. Rosetti is a National Institute of Public Affairs Fellow from the University of Southern California. He has taught and lectured at numerous universities.

Additionally, Mr. Rosetti was a corporate director of Kroll Associates, Inc., Security Technology, Inc., Alpine Lace, Inc., GVI Incorporated and chairman of MediaBay, Inc.

Mr. Rosetti was a Trustee of Widener University and the Norwalk Maritime Center. He is also the recipient of many awards including: Ellis Island Medal of Honor; Tribute of Appreciation, U.S. Department of State; and the Outstanding Alumnus Award from Widener University.


  • Master’s Degree, Accounting, Southeastern University
  • Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Pennsylvania Military College (Widener University)
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