Guidepost Solutions Welcomes Compliance Expert Crystal Jezierski as Senior Managing Director

Crystal R Jezierski / Julie Myers Wood October 19, 2022

Guidepost Solutions, a global leader in domestic and international investigations, compliance solutions, monitoring, and security and technology consulting, today announced the appointment of seasoned compliance executive Crystal Jezierski as a senior managing director based out of the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. Jezierski will assist organizations across the globe, on the design and implementation of global compliance programs; remediation during government enforcement actions; risk assessments; internal investigations; compliance training; and compliance program operations, management, and oversight.

“Crystal’s unique perspective, given her previous high-profile roles in both government and the private sector, is a welcome addition to our Guidepost Solutions team,” said Julie Myers Wood, CEO, Guidepost Solutions. “With 25 years of experience, Crystal will be instrumental in helping our clients better understand their ongoing compliance challenges, both from within their organization and in the eyes of regulators.”

Jezierski’s expertise is wide and varied. Most recently, she served as associate general counsel, assistant secretary for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Past roles include senior vice president for Global Ethics at Walmart, partner at the global law firm Baker McKenzie, and chief counsel for Oversight and Investigations with the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. Notably, while with Walmart, Jezierski was the global lead for the vision, strategy, implementation, and execution of Walmart’s ethics program. Under her tenure, she set and maintained the company’s standards of ethical conduct and its processes for identifying conduct that violated its Statement of Ethics.

Throughout her career, Jezierski has worked with global companies to conduct compliance risk assessments and to design and implement their compliance programs. This has included advising on compliance standards and controls, training, communications, and program oversight, as well as testing the effectiveness of their compliance program and advising on how to respond to compliance failures and misconduct reports. She also successfully defended compliance programs before the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, resulting in reduced law enforcement penalties or the declination of law enforcement actions.

Jezierski holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Denison University and a Juris Doctor from William & Mary School of Law. She is a member of the District of Columbia Bar, the Denison University Board of Advisors and the Junior League of Washington, D.C.

Crystal Jezierski wearing a black shirt and a red scarf smiles for the camera

Crystal R Jezierski

Senior Managing Director

Crystal R. Jezierski works with clients to manage governance and risk requirements and to design, implement, and lead compliance programs. Ms. Jezierski is a compliance expert and former compliance executive with 25 years of government and private sector experience. She has served as associate general counsel, assistant secretary for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, senior vice president for Global Ethics at Walmart, a partner with the global law firm Baker McKenzie and as chief counsel for Oversight and Investigations with the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.

guidepost solutions founder julie myers wood wearing a blue shirt and a black jacket

Julie Myers Wood

Chief Executive Officer

As the Chief Executive Officer of Guidepost Solutions, I focus on helping corporations resolve problems with government agencies, and ensure they are proactively addressing compliance requirements. Prior to joining the private sector, I held leadership positions with the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury and Justice. This includes serving as the Head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security’s largest investigative component, as well as the Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement and the Chief of Staff for the Criminal Division at the Department of Justice. Throughout my government and private sector career, I have helped develop, implement and execute compliance programs and crisis management plans and responses across a wide range of industries for numerous companies. I am nationally recognized as a speaker for my expertise on compliance, security, immigration and other law enforcement issues and have testified before Congress.

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