Guidepost in Motion: Red Flags of Drug Diversion Episode 1

Susannah F. Herkert January 21, 2021

Guidepost in Motion – our podcast highlighting risk, compliance and security professionals with insights meant to keep you, your business and operations moving forward.

In our first episode, you’ll hear from Lou Milione and Susannah Herkert, both from our Controlled Substances Act/Code of Federal Regulations DEA Compliance Practice. They discuss the red flags of drug diversion, a problem that plagues the pharmaceutical industry.


Tune in to the next episode for a discussion on compliance with the Controlled Substances Act and highlight the GUIDE (GATHER, UNITE, IDENTIFY, DEVELOP, EVALUATE) model to accurately assess and remediate all aspects of a company and/or a practitioner’s controlled substance compliance program.

Susannah F. Herkert

Senior Managing Director

Susannah Herkert is a nationally recognized expert in the area of pharmaceutical controlled substance investigations and regulatory compliance. As a DEA compliance consultant, Ms. Herkert works with pharmacies and other DEA registrants that have been restricted by their suppliers in evaluating and enhancing their controlled substance polices and processes.

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