Compliance Frameworks and Management

Crystal R Jezierski August 3, 2023

Learn more about how to leverage the compliance frameworks, learn from others and work with the board to create a stronger compliance program. Crystal Jezierski joined Adam Turteltaub CCEP, CHC for his latest podcast on Compliance Frameworks and Management.

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Crystal Jezierski wearing a black shirt and a red scarf smiles for the camera

Crystal R Jezierski

Senior Managing Director

Crystal R. Jezierski works with clients to manage governance and risk requirements and to design, implement, and lead compliance programs. Ms. Jezierski is a compliance expert and former compliance executive with 25 years of government and private sector experience. She has served as associate general counsel, assistant secretary for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, senior vice president for Global Ethics at Walmart, a partner with the global law firm Baker McKenzie and as chief counsel for Oversight and Investigations with the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.

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