Trump’s Stance on E-Verify Checks Shifting Over Time

William Riley CAMS, CGSS, CFE December 23, 2024

Will E-Verify Become Mandatory Under Trump?

As Trump prepares for office, employers are bracing for tighter immigration policies. A key question: will nationwide E-Verify checks be mandatory? In a recent article by TechTarget, compliance expert Bill Riley explains that the E-Verify process is not that simple. “It’s a one-page government form that has a 130-page user manual,” said Bill.

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Bill Reilly in a suit and tie smiling

William Riley CAMS, CGSS, CFE

President, Compliance

As the president for compliance, Bill Riley leads the Financial Institutions and Immigration and Border Services practices. He is also a member of the Monitoring and National Security practices in the Washington, D.C. office of Guidepost Solutions. He oversees engagements relating to bank monitorships/remediation, advisorships, immigration compliance, and export and trade controls. Over the past ten years, Mr. Riley has worked on numerous international engagements for clients in more than 20 countries.

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