Keeping Endowments Safe From Hackers

C. Todd Doss October 2, 2024

Cyberattacks on universities have spiked since Covid-19. Universities are particularly vulnerable due to their open networks, frequent influx of new users, limited budgets, and aging infrastructure, which makes securing sensitive data, such as endowment funds, challenging. In a recent article by Chief Investment Officer, Todd Doss emphasizes, “Endowments are a prime target for bad guys,” and adds, “To keep the bad guys out of the system … knowing who’s connecting to their systems is of the utmost importance”.

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C. Todd Doss

Senior Managing Director

Christopher “Todd” Doss has a diverse background in managing and coordinating responses to complex security incidents, including but not limited to cyber-attacks, data breaches, and insider threats. Having led more than 4,000 cyber incident responses and investigations, he has gained an in-depth knowledge of designing and executing response plans and leading cybersecurity risk management projects.
