NADDI 2023 34th Annual Conference

William J.C. Matthews
Event Date 10/24/2023
LocationMyrtle Beach, SC

The National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators Annual Conference offers members the opportunity to learn from and network with its community, including professionals in law enforcement, regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and healthcare. Members of our DEA Regulatory Compliance team will be on hand to share their expertise including William Matthews who will lead the session, “Healthcare Facilities and Drug Diversion Training: Creating a Culture of Compliance.” This presentation will identify trends in diversion investigations; identify current DEA compliance issues facing Registrants; and discuss best practices.

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Bill Matthews in a suit and glasses is smiling for a professional photograph

William J.C. Matthews

Senior Managing Director

William J.C. Matthews is a proven leader and strategist with 24 years of experience in complex investigations, international operations, security/personnel recovery, and training with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

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