Oklahoma City Police Department Headquarters


The Oklahoma City Police Department is one of the largest and oldest law enforcement agencies in the State of Oklahoma and can trace its roots back to Indian territory when it was formed in 1889 following the Gold Rush. Its most recent headquarters, built in 1965, was showing signs of aging and plagued with ongoing maintenance issues and costs. A new headquarters with a sleek and modern design was planned to maximize space, allow for expansion, and incorporate security features that limit unauthorized access.

Guidepost Solutions

Guidepost Solutions served as the security systems designer for the 88,000-square-foot, three-story building. The security electronics system included electronic door access control and alarm monitoring, help buttons, camera systems and detention security electronics systems. The systems integrate into a single system control. This ensures the security systems are functioning in sync and also allows for easier access to the systems from a single location.

Benefit to the Client

The new police headquarters, befittingly located in the historic district of Oklahoma City, houses approximately 300 detectives, administrators, and civilian employees. Working closely with the architect, Guidepost’s security systems design allows for future growth of the new headquarters with enhanced enforcement capabilities and offers better access to services for its citizens.

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Oakland County AAR
MAGELLAN Monitorship