NY CITY Department of Housing Preservation and Development

New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development

Guidepost Solutions was selected and appointed by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development to serve as the Compliance Monitor over four separate housing construction projects which involved monitoring labor compliance during the construction of affordable housing complexes and buildings.

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three construction workers are looking at a blueprint and a tablet

Key tasks in these assignments include the following:

  • Labor – A primary focus of the assignment is to observe general site construction activities and to gather information from workers through unannounced site visits. This includes conducting headcounts, identifying subcontractors and observing general construction progress. We conduct interviews with workers regarding issues relating to wage rates, personal identification information, complaints and grievances. Audits are performed in conjunction with interviews and documents obtained during site visits.
  • Forensic Auditing – Contractors are required to submit certified payrolls and to accurately report hours worked, including overtime hours. We perform labor audits to ensure labor law compliance and to confirm payment of wages and accurate overtime hours.
  • Safety – Our weekly site visits include collecting basic information regarding safety practices employed at the site. We periodically conduct onsite reviews to identify safety issues.
SBC hotline
Oakland County AAR
MAGELLAN Monitorship