Merced County Administration Building

After the completion of several successful security electronics installation projects for the County of Merced, Guidepost was retained to provide a physical and electronic security needs assessment and master plan at its main administration building. In undertaking this project, the County also sought to create an integrated standard security electronics system that could be applied to other County buildings.

During the assessment process, our team conducted interviews with administration building department heads to understand security concerns and overall staffing levels for the building. Subsequently, a physical walkthrough of the building was conducted to better understand the interrelationships between County departments within the building.

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The upgrade recommendations consisted of minor revisions to the entry and exit paths of both public and staff (manually locking some doors, electronically controlling others), provision of an integrated building-wide access control and video surveillance system to limit access in staff-only areas of the building, and the creation of a centralized information desk at the building entrance to improve communication and wayfinding for the public.

After the completion of the security master plan, we provided design drawings and specifications for competitive bid, and provided construction administration services for the duration of the installation. Fulfilling the wider goal, the access control and video surveillance systems equipment provided in this project are now the foundation for an integrated County-standard security electronics system that can be applied to other County buildings, communicating via the existing County network.

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