Lennar Urban

Guidepost Solutions was engaged as a Lennar Urban strategic partner for the San Francisco Shipyard Development in California. The project introduces new infrastructure, retail centers and additional housing options including 680 multi-family and single family residential units.

Our team standardized security across the varying architectural characteristics of the units to cultivate a safe environment for residents and produce effective systems to address the security of exterior street access, common areas, parking garages, lobby entryways and buildings that share these amenities. This includes access control and alarm monitoring; new telephone entry with U.S. Postal Service postal key access; and video surveillance for surveying rooftops, parking garages, common areas and entryways. The design leverages current infrastructure, provide central monitoring and local security dispatching capabilities, and provides the future system with expansion opportunities.

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an aerial view of a park with a city in the background
SBC hotline
Oakland County AAR
MAGELLAN Monitorship