Howard County Police Department


Howard County Maryland was in the final planning stages of a renovation project to convert an existing three-story office building into a police administration facility to be used by the Howard County Police Department. This facility was to house the Howard County Police Pathway Patrol Section, police administration offices, and its Community Outreach Division. The Pathway Patrol Section stores mountain bikes and electric motorcycles for police officers assigned to patrolling bike paths and walking trails throughout the county to ensure citizen safety. While the Community Outreach Division plans initiatives for officers to attend events and educate the public on preventive crime measures.

Before moving into the implementation stage, an assessment of this facility was necessary to determine if the appropriate physical safety and security and security technology features were in place to accommodate these critical functions at this location.

Guidepost Solutions

Guidepost was engaged by Howard Country to conduct a physical security assessment. Our team quickly got to work with interviewing key Howard County management personnel and police department representatives to gain a better understanding of their security concerns, security and safety objectives, and any past internal/external incidents that may affect the overall security climate for the property. Additionally, the team researched the existence of any external influences to better determine the appropriate security posture for the facility.

A physical survey was performed of the site, parking, loading docks, service entrances and corridors, building common areas, building lobbies, elevator cores, roof, and all mechanical, electrical and plumbing support facilities. A review of site grounds, public areas, parking structures and other external elements helped assess the level of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Inspections and evaluations of currently installed electronic security systems such as access control and alarm monitoring, video surveillance and recording, and intercom communications, determined whether these systems were still suitable and met the most up-to-date security/safety requirements. Finally, a review and evaluation of anticipated security staffing and officer posts was conducted.

Guidepost’s recommendations included changes and/or additional security measures to be incorporated into the site planning, budget, and construction.

Benefit to the Client

Our assessment of the facility’s go-to security plans and technology deployment revealed several critical safety and security gaps in its existing program. Recommendations made by the Guidepost team determined the necessary security measures required to close those gaps and mitigate potential risk.

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