Implementing effective AI compliance amid an evolving regulatory landscape

Julie Myers Wood / Allison Spagnolo CIPP September 17, 2024

Julie Myers Wood and Allison Spagnolo recently contributed to GIR Guide to Compliance-Third Edition. Their chapter, “Implementing effective AI compliance amid an evolving regulatory landscape,” provides an overview of the emerging compliance risks and opportunities relating to AI technologies, along with the current legal and regulatory landscape of this field.

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Accreditation: “This article was first published on Global Investigations Review in August 2024; for further in-depth analysis, please visit

GIR The Guide to Compliance – Third Edition” 

guidepost solutions founder julie myers wood wearing a blue shirt and a black jacket

Julie Myers Wood

Chief Executive Officer

As the Chief Executive Officer of Guidepost Solutions, I focus on helping corporations resolve problems with government agencies, and ensure they are proactively addressing compliance requirements. Prior to joining the private sector, I held leadership positions with the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury and Justice. This includes serving as the Head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security’s largest investigative component, as well as the Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement and the Chief of Staff for the Criminal Division at the Department of Justice. Throughout my government and private sector career, I have helped develop, implement and execute compliance programs and crisis management plans and responses across a wide range of industries for numerous companies. I am nationally recognized as a speaker for my expertise on compliance, security, immigration and other law enforcement issues and have testified before Congress.

Alison Spangolo with curly hair is wearing a black jacket and a plaid shirt

Allison Spagnolo CIPP

Chief Privacy Officer, Senior Managing Director

Allison Spagnolo, a managing director in the Financial Crime Consulting practice, has worked on numerous engagements involving government contracting and financial institution matters. This includes reviewing anti-money laundering and sanctions issues for global banks and multi-national companies, as well as advising on financial crime compliance issues specific to cryptocurrency exchanges and Fintech companies. She has traveled extensively in Europe and Asia for the purpose of leading and conducting on-site inspections and reviews related to NYDFS and Federal Reserve monitorships and other compliance matters.
