Nathan Mulder serves as the technical software lead for Guidepost’s BIM team, supporting security, telecommunications, audio visual, nurse call, and fire alarm design using BIM workflows and the Revit platform. He provides in person and remote technical orientation regarding BIM tools for project managers and designers across Guidepost’s 17 global office locations. Mr. Mulder provides project support, working to solve project specific design technology challenges. Through his work, he was able to solve complex scheduling requirements for healthcare and public address system projects, reducing manual data entry by 50%. He also manages models and workflows for high-profile mixed-use building projects including stadiums, high-rise, and hospitals.
Mr. Mulder conducts weekly, monthly, and annual internal software training and education support for Guidepost. He is also responsible for the creation and management of Revit content, templates, and BIM standards, as well as configuration, management and implementation of AutoCAD environment and standards. Mr. Mulder reports to Guidepost’s Director of Engineering providing research, testing, and evaluation of BIM software, tools, and methods for use companywide.