Business Immigration Challenges Companies Should Know About in 2021 with Julie Myers Wood

Julie Myers Wood June 1, 2021

Julie Myers Wood joined Sarah Aberg, special counsel in the White Collar Defense and Corporate Investigations Group at Sheppard Mullin for a  discussion of the key immigration challenges facing international companies looking to do business in the U.S.

  • What impact has the Biden administration had on immigration thus far?
  • What categories of visas are now open for applications again following the travel ban instituted by the Trump administration?
  • Why is there a huge backlog at the Consulates?
  • What is the greatest difference between the current and prior administrations when it comes to business immigration?
  • Is a comprehensive immigration bill likely to pass any time soon?
  • What type of immigration rules related to Covid restrictions should companies be aware of?
  • If a company is bringing talent from overseas into the U.S., what measures should they be aware of?
  • How can companies help prepare their traveling employees for their immigration interviews?
  • Are immigration applications being scrutinized differently under the new administration?
  • Will post-Covid immigration limitations look the same as the Covid immigration limitations?
  • How will the new USCIS director impact French businesses?
  • How will influx on the border impact international businesses?
  • How can French businesses remain in compliance with their visas?

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guidepost solutions founder julie myers wood wearing a blue shirt and a black jacket

Julie Myers Wood

Chief Executive Officer

As the Chief Executive Officer of Guidepost Solutions, I focus on helping corporations resolve problems with government agencies, and ensure they are proactively addressing compliance requirements. Prior to joining the private sector, I held leadership positions with the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury and Justice. This includes serving as the Head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security’s largest investigative component, as well as the Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement and the Chief of Staff for the Criminal Division at the Department of Justice. Throughout my government and private sector career, I have helped develop, implement and execute compliance programs and crisis management plans and responses across a wide range of industries for numerous companies. I am nationally recognized as a speaker for my expertise on compliance, security, immigration and other law enforcement issues and have testified before Congress.
