San Jose Evergreen Community College District


The San Jose Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) performed a security program review and needed to determine if its existing security technology systems were appropriate for future scalability to support operational intent. It also needed to identify if the existing head-end equipment was sustainable for additional systems growth.

Guidepost Solutions

Guidepost was engaged by the SJECCD Chief of Police to act as an independent third-party assessor of its existing security technology systems across its entire district encompassing three separate campus. Using a cloud-based data collection application, the Guidepost team efficiently collected unique individual device/door location data including photographs that provided the district with a single point of reference for all in scope physical security devices such as video surveillance, access control and intrusion detection systems used throughout the district facilities. Guidepost also created a detailed roadmap and go-forward plan for physical security upgrades with security standards that supported the future implementation of a unified systems platform for the district police to manage and support their operational needs. Guidepost continues to provide design and construction administration services for technology system upgrades, as well as support the district security program development and growth.

a group of people are walking in front of a large glass building

Benefit to the Client

The Guidepost team delivered a comprehensive database that is used operationally by the district to manage brass key issuance and door hardware maintenance. Providing a visual reference of each opening via photographs supports efficiency of issue identification and specific components of the doors recorded for reference. Since engaging with the SJECCD more than five years ago, Guidepost supported the design and construction of the District Police Dispatch Office, performed assessments of more than 5,000 physical security devices, designed cutting edge lockdown systems and rewrote the districts physical security systems standards. Guidepost has provided value to the SJECCD by identifying opportunities to enhance its existing security technology systems utilization from stand-alone systems to a fully unified platform that provides real-time and forensic analysis improvements. Guidepost continues to work with the SJECCD team as a committed partner and go-to resource.

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