CFIUS publishes “unprecedented” details on penalties issued to date

Stephanie Douglas August 20, 2024

CFIUS has released detailed information on penalties and enforcement actions for the first time, marking unprecedented transparency. This public disclosure is seen as a powerful new tool in enforcing compliance and national security, highlighting CFIUS’s increased focus on monitoring and enforcement. In a recent article by Foreign Investment Watch, Stephanie Douglas shares her expert opinion on the matter, stating, “I think time will tell if Treasury’s greater transparency on penalties will result in better compliance, fewer deals, or both.”

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Stephanie Douglas wearing a black jacket and a necklace is smiling for the camera

Stephanie Douglas

President, National Security Practice

Stephanie Douglas focuses on sensitive internal and white-collar crime investigations, corporate security programs, intellectual property (IP) protection and investigations, and proactively educating executives about insider threats. She has extensive experience in the management of criminal and national security investigations, domestic and global security operations and policy development and strategy. Ms. Douglas has had a distinguished career in both the private and public sectors. After 23 years, she retired as a Senior Executive from the Federal Bureau of Investigations where she served in a variety of influential roles. She also served as the senior director of corporate security for Pacific Gas & Electric prior to joining Guidepost Solutions.
